KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide

In the Holy Scriptures, the King of the universe has provided a deep foundation for our faith. A crucial part of that deeply rooted foundation is Genesis , the first book of the Bible. Genesis tells us what actually happened in the beginning. Its first chapters are especially important, which is why the first 24 of 70 scenes in KING of GLORY are based primarily on the first 4 chapters of Genesis . But Genesis is just a part of the Old Testament foundation God has laid to help us understand who He is and what He has done for us. It is for good reason that our Creator-Redeemer revealed to His prophets the Old Testament Scriptures ( His Plan Foretold ) before He unveiled the New Testament Scriptures ( His Plan Fulfilled ). The KING of GLORY movie and book build on the solid foundation of the Old Testament, which helps us understand God’s plan to rescue sinners from the law of sin and death and give all who trust in Him a close relationship with Himself for time and eternity. 6. HOW does this study guide work ? The KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide is intended to reinforce the truths embedded in the 15-episode movie and/or the 70-scene picture book. An Answer Key and Coloring Book are also available at As you use these tools, it is helpful to keep in mind that KING of GLORY tells the story and message of the Bible in a way that respects its foundation and framework . OLD TESTAMENT EPISODES 1 – 8 THE KING FORETELLS HIS PLAN GENESIS REVELATION What is the difference between these two apartment buildings? From the outside, the above building may look good (or does it?), but it has no foundation. The foolish builders constructed it on top of the sand! This building is anchored in bedrock. It was constructed by wise builders, “who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock” (Luke 6:48). above ground view under ground view the framework The teaching method used in KING of GLORY is somewhat like hanging laundry on a clothesline. The clothesline represents the one big story God wants us to understand. The clothes in the basket represents the many stories in the Bible. In our 15-episode journey from the beginning to the end of God’s book, only some stories will be taken from“the basket” and hung on “the line.”We will leave huge gaps, but enough will be put on the chronological line to reveal the framework of God’s plan. Later, when you hear or read the rest of God’s book, you will be able to understand where each part fits into the whole. how to use this tool Here are a few suggestions for using this study guide with different groups: 1. Oral Learners Only the group leaders need the study guide as they take the participants through it orally. Be creative. Handle the study guide’s questions in an interactive way. Perhaps you will have your group turn a story and its main point into a skit. To help the group remember what they have heard, the leader should be prepared to revisit scenes from the movie or picture book. The KING of GLORY Coloring Book can also be a helpful addition in an oral learning environment. 2. Print Learners Each person should have a copy of the study guide . The leader takes students through the discussion questions and/or exercises, and they write in their answers. This can also be used as a correspondence/home study course, where individuals watch each movie episode and fill in the answers on their own. 3. Time-Limited Groups Some groups may only use the first two pages of each episode ( I ntroduce , W atch , D iscuss , R eflect ), skipping the R einforce section’s exercises. This works well with adults, or when time is limited. Similarly, to keep a class from going too long, the R einforce excercies could be used, and the D iscuss questions skipped . 4. English Learners (ESL) LISTENING: Students watch the episode (with or without the English subtitles). COMPREHENSION & WRITING: Work through the questions and exercises. READING, PRONUNCIATION & VOCABULARY: Have students read some of the corresponding scenes in the KING of GLORY picture book. Explain difficult words (like “mind-boggling” and “extravagant” used in Scene 1). The strength of these ESL tools is that they help students become fluent both in English and in God’s plan for them for time and eternity! NEW TESTAMENT EPISODES 9 – 15 THE KING FULFILLS HIS PLAN the foundation 10 11