KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
3. The prophet Zechariah had predicted the Messiah’s entry into ____________________ riding on a _______________ (Zechariah 9:9). 4. The prophets had predicted that the Messiah would be ______________ and gloated over. David predicted that they would divide His _______________ among them and cast lots for them, that they would mock and _______________ Him (Psalm 22:6-8, 16-18; Isaiah 53:5-6). These very things happened to _____________ . insult • Jesus • pierced • donkey • Jerusalem • garments 5. The prophets predicted that the ______________ would take the ________________ for our sins. They said He would be pierced, crushed, beaten, and whipped—just as Jesus was—so that we would not have to receive the punishment for our sins and so that we could be _____________ (Isaiah 53:5-6). The prophet Abraham predicted that God would provide a __________ for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:8). The prophet John called Jesus the “Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36). 6. Isaiah predicted that the Messiah would be “assigned a ______________ with the wicked, and with the rich in his death ” (Isaiah 53:9). David foretold that God would not allow His Holy One to undergo __________ (Psalm 16:10) . These prophecies foretold Jesus’ burial and resurrection. grave • punishment • Messiah • decay • healed • Lamb 144 145 15
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