KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
E pisode 1 P rologue KING of GLORY • S cenes 1–3 I ntroduce W ould you like to travel through the ancient Scriptures of the prophets? Would you like to see how their many stories fit together to make one story (a story no human could have dreamed up)? Would you like to meet the awesome King who inspired them to write those stories? Would you like to know His plan for you ? As the eternal King’s story stretches out before us, we will see our own story too. In this journey, we will hear His answers to life’s big questions, such as: “Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” “Where will I end up?” Only the One who lives above time can reveal the right answers. And where do we find those answers? In the King’s book. This is the story and message from the One who has no beginning. It is about His extravagant plan to rescue His rebellious subjects from the kingdom of darkness and invite them to live with Him in His kingdom of light. Do you know His story? Do you know yours ? W atch ( 10:40) Episode 1 (in the KING of GLORY movie) covers Scenes 1-3 (in the KING of GLORY book) D iscuss 1. What surprised you in this episode? 2. Based on what you just saw and heard, what impresses you most about the King of the universe? 3. How is the Bible different from all other books? 4. Which do you think is most reliable: the theories of people, or the Scriptures revealed to the prophets? Explain. 5. Do you believe that the first words of Scripture are absolutely true? Explain. 6. Would you like to personally get to know the One who made and maintains the universe? Explain. R eflect (Meditate on, talk about this verse, and/or memorize it.) Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. —Prophet Moses (Deuteronomy 8:3) R einforce Starting on the next page, review what you heard in Episode 1 by doing the activities. 17 16 1
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