KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
“I was able todive inwithallmy emotions. I experienced the story like I was there!” — lydia , asl intern “It shows the Bible as one grand story of God’s love for us instead of unrelated stories.” — review on amazon “I have Bible. I no understand Bible. I watch movie last night. Now I understand Bible!” — chinese immigrant , alaska “A visually striking, eloquent, chronological tool for telling the Bible. In no way shallow.“ — review on amazon “The art, music, and sound effects are just astounding. I was moved to tears throughout the movie. This is unique in that it really can reach all ages from children to adults.” — heather , business manager , california “Explains someof thedeepest revelations of theuniverse ina simple yet powerful way.” — dick , retired government worker , connecticut “ The National TV broadcasted the film. It explains everything in detail.” — kyrgyz woman , kyrgyzstan “I bump into KING of GLORY everywhere. All over Facebook, YouTube, people are sharing it here in every way you can imagine.” — kyrgyz man , kyrgyzstan “I’ve been looking for something to help me walk people thru the Bible. This is exceptional. It presents the entire plan of God in a simple and entertaining way.” — george , relief worker , romania “ This is the incredible answer that the whole world is looking for! I love the way this is explained! This touched my heart and soul like nothing ever has! I thank you for this!” — mary , transworld radio audience WWW.KING-OF-GLORY.COM KING OF GLORY MOVIE • LANGUAGES • 2018 KING of GLORY feedback 176
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