KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide

1 T he K ing and H is K ingdom A Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. Use each word only once and cross it out after it is used. 1. The ___________________ existed before the world began. 2. There was only ___________ King and ___________ kingdom, and it was perfect. 3. Rebellion arose in the kingdom, first in __________________ , then on _________________ . B Based on what the Scripture teaches, answer these questions: 1. Did the rebellion in His Kingdom surprise the King of the universe? How do you know this? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. How long would the King take to fulfill His great, extravagant, mysterious rescue plan? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. —P rophet D avid (P salm 145:13 nlt ) King of glory earth • King of glory • heaven • one • one 2 T he K ing and H is P rophets To know the King and His plan, you must know His book. A Connect the words and pictures with their definitions by drawing a line. 1. prophets / apostles 2. scrolls 3. the Holy Scriptures B The Scriptures are divided into two major parts. What are they? Write your answers on the lines labeled “1.” and “2.” below. First part: _______________________ (Torah, Psalms, etc.) where the King foretells His plan. Second part: _______________________ (Gospels, Acts, etc.) where the King fulfills His plan. 1. 2. Between 1947 and 1956, more than 225 biblical manuscripts were discovered in 11 caves near the Dead Sea. These ancient scrolls, penned between 250 BC and AD 68, contain the same words as present-day Bibles, showing that the Old Testament Scriptures have been faithfully preserved. a. an old kind of book; ancient copies of God’s written word b. the writings of the prophets and apostles; where we learn God’s story and message c. people God chose to write down His story and message 18 19 1