KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
E pisode 2 T he C reator & H is C reation KING of GLORY • S cenes 4–9 I ntroduce W hat does perfection look like? Do you know any thing that is perfect? Do you know any one who is perfect? We may aim for perfection, but we end up saying, “Nobody’s perfect!” Yet the Scriptures of the prophets tell of a King who is perfect. They also tell of a time in history when everything and everyone on earth was perfect. Our journey begins where time began, as recorded on the first page of Holy Scripture, in the book of Genesis, chapter 1. Genesis means origins ( beginnings ). It is here that we first meet this perfect King, the One who has no beginning and no end. It is here that we begin to learn why He made humans. If the Creator-Owner of the universe had not communicated His thoughts and desires to us, we could only guess where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. But the prophet Daniel wrote: “He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him” (Daniel 2:22). Prepare to meet THE KING. W atch ( 19:04) Episode 2 covers Scenes 4–9 D iscuss 1. What surprised you in this episode? 2. What did you learn about God in this episode? 3. What do you think is meant by this: “Even when He alone existed, He was never alone”? 4. What can we learn about God’s character from the things He has made? (Six of God’s characteristics are mentioned in Scene 5.) 5. Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. What does this mean? 6. Define sin and explain the connection between sin and death. 7. In the evenings, the LORD God would come into the garden to walk and talk with the man and his wife. What does this tell us about God? R eflect In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… .” (Genesis 1:1, 26a) R einforce Review Episode 2 by doing the activities on the following pages. “He hangs the earth on nothing” (Prophet Job 26:7 NLT). This Earthrise photo was taken on Christmas Eve 1968 by Apollo 8, the first manned mission to orbit the moon. That evening, the astronauts held a live broadcast from lunar orbit, ending the program with the crew reading from Genesis chapter 1. 25 24 2
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