KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide

E pisode 3 E vil ’ s E ntrance KING of GLORY • S cenes 10–15 I ntroduce G od the LORD is great! He exists by His own power. You and I need air, water, food, sleep, and shelter to live, but our Creator needs nothing. He is the LORD. As we learned in the previous episode, His name means I AM or HE IS. Only a personal being can say, “I am.” The eternal King of the universe wants us to know that He created people to enjoy a close relationship with Him forever. Awesome! But only holy people can live in His holy presence. If the LORD God is perfect and holy, and if He made us to be like Him and with Him forever, then why are we not perfect and holy? Why can He seem so far away? Why do bad things happen in our world? Why do people sometimes hurt us? Why do we hurt others? Why do we have unholy thoughts? Why do we make bad choices? Why do we sin? Where did sin come from? How did evil enter the King’s perfect universe? To learn God’s answers, we will first explore what He has revealed in His book about angels and demons. Prepare to visit a place of light and glory. Prepare to peer into a place of darkness and doom. Get ready to discover the origin of sin. W atch (  15:10) Episode 3 covers Scenes 10-15 D iscuss 1. Did anything in the Bible’s description of heaven surprise you? 2. What did you learn about angels in this episode? 3. In your own words, tell the biblical story of Lucifer’s rebellion. 4. To help us understand what the devil is like, what do the Scriptures compare him to? 5. When the serpent spoke to Eve, how should she have responded? 6. When did Adam and his wife begin to feel shame? Did their self-made fig-leaf coverings make them feel comfortable in God’s presence? 7. Using a branch, explain how Adam and his wife had become like a branch broken off a living tree. 8. What do we learn about God from the fact that He gave humans the freedom to choose between obeying Him and disobeying Him? R eflect The LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17) “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. (Genesis 3:4) R einforce Review Episode 3 by doing the activities on the following pages. 34 35 3