KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
10 T he K ingdom of L ight & REVELATION 4-5 What did you learn about Heaven in this episode? A Mark the following statements true or false. 1. Heaven is also called Paradise. True False 2. Heaven is the King’s home and reflects His glory. True False 3. The King is all alone in Heaven. True False 4. The best attraction in Heaven is the King Himself. True False B How much do you know about angels? Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below. Angel means ____________________ or servant. Before He made ___________________ , the King of heaven made angels. They watched Him create the world. Angels are ___________________ . Like their Creator, angels are ___________________ to man, except when sent on missions where they need to be seen. God gave His angels the capacity to ____________________ Him forever, but they were not God’s ___________ . As with humans, God did not force them to ________________ to Him. He wanted happy, willing servants. They encircled the throne … they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” R evelation 5:11, 4:8 messenger slaves • spirit beings • obey and serve • invisible • humans • messenger • submit a. … hell. b. … deceiver. c. … accuser. d. … evil angel. e. … Shining One. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 C orinthians 11:14 NLT 11 T he K ingdom of D arkness & ISAIAH 14; EZEKIEL 28 A Connect the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending. 1. Lucifer means … 2. Satan means … 3. Devil means … 4. A demon is an … 5. The Lake of Fire is also called … B Mark the following statements true or false. 1. When God made him, Lucifer was one of God’s True False chief angels: full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 2. Lucifer became proud of himself True False and wanted to be king! 3. Lucifer convinced all the angels True False to join his rebellion against God. 4. God immediately threw Satan and True False all the rebellious angels into hell. 5. God threw Satan and his demons out of heaven True False and down to Earth’s atmosphere. 36 37 3
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