KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide

12 T he S erpent & GENESIS 3 A Answer the following questions. 1. Who came each evening into the garden for a personal visit with Adam and Eve? Do you think they enjoyed His visits? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Who came to the garden to visit Eve and spoke to her through a serpent? _______________________________________________________________ 3. Which visitor told the truth and wanted what was best for Adam and Eve? _______________________________________________________________ 4. Which one told lies and wanted to destroy them? _____________________________________________________________ __ B Why did Satan come to the garden? Mark the following statements about Satan true or false. 1. Satan wanted Adam to choose to break God’s law. True False 2. Satan wanted Eve to trust God’s word. True False 3. Satan wanted Eve to think that God was keeping True False something good from her and her husband. 4. Satan told Eve that if she disobeyed God True False she would die. 13 T he C hoice & GENESIS 3 A Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. 1. “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of __________ and _______________ , for when you eat of it you will surely _________________ .” — The LORD (Genesis 2:16-17) 2. “You will ____________ surely die.” —Satan (Genesis 3:4) 3. Scripture explains why Eve was tempted to take and eat the forbidden fruit. It says that she saw that the fruit was good for ____________ , pleasing to the ____________ and desirable for gaining ____________ . B Mark the following statements about the LORD true or false. 1. The LORD had given Adam and Eve freedom to choose True False between doing His will or their own will. 2. The LORD wanted Adam and Eve to trust Him, even True False when they didn’t understand the reasons for His rule. 3. When Adam chose to disobey, only the LORD knew True False the terrible, far-reaching consequences of his sin. good eye • wisdom • good • evil • not • die • food “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” G enesis 3:1 “You will not surely die.” G enesis 3:4 38 39 3