KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
E pisode 4 S in ’ s C urse & G od ’ s P romise KING of GLORY • S cenes 16–19 I ntroduce T o fly, which wing does a bird need? The left or the right? We all know that a bird needs both wings to fly! Anyone who thinks that a bird can fly with just one wing is ignoring the design of birds (aerodynamics) and the law of gravity. Similarly, anyone who thinks that the King of the universe can show mercy to sinners without administering justice is ignoring the holy nature of God and the law of sin and death . Because God is holy, He must judge sin. But because God is love, He wants to show mercy to sinners. How can He do both? As human beings, if we sin against someone, and we ask them to forgive us, they may respond, “No problem. It’s OK. I forgive you.” But our Creator-Judge never says, “No problem. I love you, so I won’t judge your sin.” But neither does He say, “Since you have sinned, I don’t love you.” The righteous Judge of all the earth loves people, but He must uphold His laws. He must judge all sin. So how can He show mercy to sinners without ignoring His holy nature that demands justice ? As we continue the story of our disobedient first parents, we will begin to learn about the King’s plan to punish their sin without punishing them. We will see that on the same sad, dark day that Adam and Eve sinned against their Creator-Owner, He gave them a glimmer of hope. W atch ( 11:57) Episode 4 covers Scenes 16-19 D iscuss 1. What surprised you in this episode? 2. What did you learn about God in this episode? 3. Were thorns, sadness, sickness, and death a part of God’s original creation? Explain. 4. Explain the effect of sin on a human’s relationship with God. 5. Name and explain the three terrible separations caused by sin. 6. What is the law of sin and death? 7. On the day Adam and Eve sinned, what great promise did God make? 8. On that same day, what did God do to show Adam and Eve His justice, mercy, and grace? R eflect “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3:15 NLT) And the LORD God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. (Genesis 3:21 NLT) R einforce Reinforce Episode 4 by doing the activities on the following pages. 44 45 4
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