KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
W atch ( 14:58) Episode 5 covers Scenes 20–24 D iscuss 1. Using a broken branch, explain how Cain and Abel were affected by their parents’ sin. 2. What did you learn about God from how He dealt with Cain and Abel? 3. Tell about the kind of offering God required to cover sin and accept worship. 4. Explain how the law of the sin offering set Abel free from the law of sin and death . 5. Why was God not satisfied with Cain’s offering? 6. Explain what atonement means. 7. Explain what repentance means. 8. In what ways were Cain and Abel alike, and in what ways were they different? Would you rather be like Cain or like Abel? Explain. R eflect When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. (Romans 5:12 NLT) Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. (Hebrews 9:22) R einforce Review Episode 5 by doing the activities on the following pages. E pisode 5 T he W ay of the S acrifice KING of GLORY • S cenes 20–24 I ntroduce I f a branch is broken from a tree, is it dead or alive? It may look alive for a while, but the truth will soon be obvious. It is dead! As we learned in the last three episodes, death means separation — separation from the Source of life. Look again at the branch that has been separated from its tree. If the dying leaves on the broken branch could talk, they might say, “It’s not our fault that the branch got broken off the tree!” But we know that the entire branch is doomed. In a similar way, like it or not, each one of us was born into Adam’s broken family, separated from our holy Creator. The prophet David wrote, “I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5 NLT). Today, some people will tell you that babies are born pure, without a sin-bent nature. But the Scriptures teach us that when Adam broke God’s law, the entire human family was affected by Adam’s sin. But as we learned in the last episode, God had a plan to cancel out the law of sin and death and make a way to save Adam’s descendants from the curse of sin. This next story about the world’s first kids will help us better understand that plan. 50 51 5
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