KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide

E pisode 6 M an ’ s R ebellion & G od ’ s F aithfulness KING of GLORY • S cenes 25–27 I ntroduce L et’s be honest. When it comes to spiritual truth, we are slow learners. But the King of the universe is a patient Teacher. That is why He includes hundreds of stories in His book to help us to see and understand this elementary truth: “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22). From the day sin entered the world, the LORD God began to show sinners that only the blood of a suitable substitute could atone for (cover) sin. That is how He satisfied the law of sin and death and showed mercy to sinners. The LORD rejected Adam and Eve’s efforts to cover their sin, but put innocent animals to death in their place. The blood covered their sin and the animal skin clothing covered their shame. In the last episode, we saw how Abel honored God and satisfied the strict demands of the law of sin and death by offering to God the blood of a healthy, perfect lamb. Meanwhile, Cain ignored God’s way of forgiveness. And when the LORD gave him the chance to repent, he refused to submit to God’s plan. It is time to see what happened to the descendants of Cain and the ancient world in the days of the prophet Noah. It is time to experience and learn from the most catastrophic global event in world history. W atch (  9:05) Episode 6 covers Scenes 25–27 D iscuss 1. Explain what the human condition was like ten generations after Adam. 2. How did God show both justice and mercy in the time of Noah? 3. What does the flood teach us about the patience and judgment of God? 4. Tell what happened at Babel. What can you learn from this event? 5. Think back to the stories we have heard about creation, Lucifer, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the world in Noah’s day, and the events at Babel. What have these stories revealed about God? About people? R eflect In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. (Genesis 7:11) Bryce Canyon, Utah, is one of thousands of distinct locations around the world that displays the effects of erosion caused by the waters of the global flood, which dissolved soil and rock, carried away the debris along with dead plants and animals, and laid down rock layers with trillions of fossils. “Geological and fossil records affirm the biblical record. From the Sahara to the Himalayas, marine fossils can be unearthed in the world’s great deserts and mountains.” —From Episode 6, Scene 25 Ringwoodite 2 R einforce Review Episode 6 by doing the activities on the following pages. 59 58 6