KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide
This illustrated study guide is designed to reinforce the foundational truths and panoramic view of the Bible unfolded in the KING of GLORY picture book and movie. To encourage and equip you to get the most out of this companion tool, let’s first consider the WHAT , WHEN, WHY , WHERE , WHO , and HOW of the book and movie. 1. WHAT? King of glory is one of God’s hundreds of names, but it is also the title of the KING of GLORY picture book and movie. The book has 70 Scenes, each with a one-page story and a full-page painting. These 70 stories fit together to tell ONE STORY. The movie (a word-for-word presentation of the book) groups the 70 Scenes into 15 Episodes. And what is THE STORY? The following description, taken from the DVD case, tells us: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who . — rudyard kipling , 1865-1936 , author of the jungle book K nowing Y our T ools 2013-2014. The garage studio where the KING of GLORY video production took place. 2. WHEN? It was in November 2009, while teaching the Scriptures in the Middle East, that God put into my heart the idea to produce an illustrated story book about the message of the prophets for people of all ages and worldviews. Working remotely for more than a year with an artist in Argentina, the KING of GLORY picture book was published in September 2011. That same month, God planted in my mind the idea to turn the book into a movie. After working with a small creative team for nearly 4 years, the English KING of GLORY movie was released in June 2015. Now, three years later (2018), the movie is in about 30 languages, with dozens more in planning or production. 3. WHY? Amid the world’s countless books and movies, what makes KING of GLORY unique? Why is it loved by a worldwide audience? Here are some of their reasons: 1. “ I experienced the story with all my emotions like I was actually there!” 2. “Great culturally generic art : no blue-eyed Moses or Jesus!” 3. “It draws out in a beautiful way the magnificent story that threads through the whole of Scripture.” 4. “It pulls out deep insights that are fresh to a long-time student of Scripture and puts them in simple terms that even a novice can comprehend.” 5. It presents a panoramic view of God’s story in chronological order, showing how the many stories fit together to make one cohesive story. 6. It points out foundational truths about God, man, sin, and salvation, helping people connect the dots of Scripture and see the big picture of God’s plan of redemption. 7. It includes five Old Testament sacrifice stories that prepare minds and hearts to understand why the Messiah had to die on the cross for our sins. 8. “It contains a beautiful ‘distilling’ of the essential issues of the life of Christ .” 9. It is in many languages , with free downloads . 10. It captivates a global audience of all ages . 11. It is ready to use , with little or no preparation. 12. It gives people of all backgrounds a chance to meet and fall in love with the King of glory Himself. “ Love, love, love this!!!!” — amazon customer review , 2018 KING of GLORY takes you on an intense ride through the Scriptures of the prophets as it chronologically and accurately unfolds their story and message in a way that makes sense. This 15-episode visualization of the world’s best seller (the Bible) is about the Creator-Owner of the universe and His plan to rescue His rebel subjects from the kingdom of darkness and qualify them to live with Him forever in His kingdom of light. With its thought-provoking narrative and inspired mix of motion-graphics, still-animation, and live video, this film is for a worldwide audience of all ages. 6 7
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